• Work Time

    Mon - Fri 8 AM - 5 PM
  • Address

    Sr No. 90, Shristi Bungalow B-10, Lane Number 8, Veerbhadra Nagar, Baner, Pune, Maharashtra 411045

kaizen Early Years

Experience a day
at Kaizen

We warmly welcome your family to visit us. Come see how our joyful learning spaces, nurturing educators, wholesome curriculum, and involved community, consciously collaborate to make every child at Kaizen thrive.

Call: +91 85302 013477

Our Story

Kaizen is a Japanese word meaning continuous improvement. Following the Kaizen philosophy we emphasize on making small, incremental changes every day to achieve overall improvement and excellence over time. Our culture encourages continuous learning and improvement among all members of the Kaizen family.

Our Journey

Kaizen Early Years is a result of many years of conscious living, parenting and training. We have put over 15 years of dreaming, training and research into the idea: We want to see children thrive, reach their full potential, explore freely, play joyfully, learn fearlessly, grow holistically and express lovingly. We want to create a better world, where we can live together like one happy family. Kaizen Early Years is a step towards living this dream.

Our Purpose

Understanding the incredible ways in which young minds develop, our integrated play based holistic pedagogy offered in a supportive and enriching environment by dedicated and experienced educators ensures holistic development of young children laying the foundation for lifelong learning and success.

A STEAM based approach

The Play Lab

A zone of imaginative engagement where the Montessori play way method comes to life. Here, children interact with a variety of Montessori toys that are not only fun but also aid in developing fine motor skills, encouraging independent thought, and laying the foundation for critical thinking.

The Grow Lab

Our nurturing garden space that introduces children to the wonders of growing life. In this verdant lab, young ones connect with the earth, learn about the plant life cycle, and savour the joy of seeing their care turn into growth.

The Construction Lab

A workshop of creation where children use wooden blocks to learn the basics of construction. These tactile experiences are instrumental in teaching balance, structure, and the early principles of architecture and engineering, fostering a practical understanding of mathematics and physics.

The Discovery Lab

This lab transforms into a world of discovery, where children assume the role of young archaeologists or scientists making new findings every day. It’s a place where the thrill of discovery is experienced through engaging, hands-on activities that spark lifelong curiosity.

Our Classes

At Kaizen, we take pride in offering a wide array of facilities designed to cater to every aspect of a child's development, from as young as 6 months up to 6 years of age. Our thoughtfully curated environment includes:



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